You CAN make a million dollars with absolutely nothing. Think about it. One of the greatest shows in the history of television made all of its cast MILLIONS of dollars. And the show was about absolutely nothing.
Of course, I am referring to Seinfeld. And Jerry Seinfeld was the mater at making millions out of nothing.
When you think about it one step further, take a look at YouTube. Take a look at Facebook. Hell, throw Twitter into the mix. Throw in any of those other social media sites that have not just made millions but BILLIONS of dollars like Instagram and Snapchat.
Are we sharing anything of value on any of these places? No. Not really. But yet, despite all that, people come in droves. People will come here in droves as well, rest assured. They will come here and drop umpteen thousands of comments. They will click on ads and they will buy stuff, and both Google and I will make millions of dollars.
Something is BOUND to go viral folks. It is all a numbers game. It is all a game of the odds.
And of course there is the sheer entertainment value of what I post here to consider as well. I mean, people want to be a fly on the wall. They want to know what goes on in the lives of otherwise ordinary people.
Who is this Jim Bauer? What is this foolish but catchy little album Jim Bauer has created called Pink Flamingoes all about, and why is it making so much money when it never receives airplay on the radio and people are going to in droves?
What is this book, edited by Jim Bauer under the penname Ivan S. Graves called Dark Whispers, and why does it attract such a large audience?
Jim Bauer is making MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from nothing. And so will this blog make MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from nothing.
I just have a knack, folks. But so can you. YOU TOO CAN MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS FROM DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. This is the world we live in today. The world of the Internet. And people WILL and DO come in droves to see what you have to say. To dive into the meat of what you had for dinner, what you did yesterday, today, and what you will do tomorrow. They want to know about you. They want to know about me.
I cannot tell you how many times I have cashed a check and thought to myself, how in the hell did I get this money? What in the world did I offer that was worth a dime?
But here we are talking about it, and here I am cashing in those checks.
At the rate I am going I suspect any minute Forbes is going to be knocking on my door wanting to know more. They are going to wanting to know how in the world I have managed to amass such massive wealth from nothing at all? How it is that I have created completely shit music and actually was able to give massive bands like Green Day a run for their money? How I have capitalized on the Seinfeld genius of making money from nothing?
I mean, think about it. This POST is about nothing, but isn't it interesting? Are you still reading? Why are you still reading? Are you inclined now to click on an ad just because you are thinking, man this guy needs to KEEP ON POSTING?
If you want to make a million dollars in this world, all you need to do is come up with something about nothing and people will follow you, want to know more about you, and will come to you in droves. Because again, people want to be flies on the wall. They want to know about your happy and your sad. They want to know about your trials and tribulations, and they want to know about your successes. They want to know your hopes and aspirations, and some just want to know THAT so they can knock you down. They want to know about how much of an idiot you are when you post absolutely stupid shit no one cares about to YouTube like this video.
THIS, my friends, please DO take note, is a MILLION DOLLAR BLOG. In fact, I am writing this post from my yacht as we (the wife and I) are sailing off the shore of the Bahamas. A frequent stop for us.
I'd share a picture of myself standing at the bow of said yacht, but my phone died and it is the only camera I own. But do take my word for it. This is a million dollar blog and if you copy what I do here you too can make a million dollars.
Now, if you are really interested in my million dollar secret, I would be more than happy to send you my PayPal address. Just send me $5 and I will send you a printed copy of exactly what I have posted here, just so you have a hard copy of this secret.
I want everyone to make a million dollars. I want everyone to be successful. I want everyone to make a million dollars from nothing at all.
It is simply a matter of time before no one ever has to work the daily grind anymore and work for some unruly, asshole of a boss. We can just post nothing and live the good life. We can look out at the rest of the dumb world from the high towers of our multi-room mansions...
Well one of the rooms in MY MANSION is of course a recording studio where I am busy at work writing a follow up to my Pink Flamingoes (misspelled on purpose) album. Onward and upward to my second million dollars.
Was this article helpful? Has it caused you to find your pathway to a million dollars of your own? Do you feel enlightened? Have you fallen for any of this? Are you still reading?
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